Supercrit today was exhausting but incredibly helpful.
Lee helped me to draw out some ideas that I'd been struggling with and told me to focus on one genre, perhaps looking into its subculture and really getting me to focus on why I'm doing this.
I want to do this because I want to enhance the experience we have when we listen to music. To really be inside the world of a song and experience it.
Have been delving into The Gorillaz as a case study and found a really interesting scholarly article on whether they're simply clever marketing or an artistic statement.
This is the piece I did based on Childish Gambino's Redbone for the supercrit, it was designed as one long continuous representation telling the narrative that Gambino weave's into the lyrics of the song.

Next we have sketches I did whilst looking into various music genres and their visual connections. Lee told me that this is good to understand to further expand the visual communication of music.
