Week 7 Whakatinana

The Whakatinana moment was incredible, everyone was working on something extremely interesting and though my idea was slightly underdeveloped, talking with everybody helped to lead me onto the right track.
Bellow is my design of Atalanta, Greek heroine, and Maui the pacific demigod, done in my comic book style. Perhaps a look into the future of how we could present cultural stories and mythologies to the next generation.

And here we have the 4 awesome people I talked to over our time here.
Hannah, Bobbie, Joe and Courtney. All had incredibly diverse and different projects.
Surprisingly the one that resonated with me the most was Hannah's topic on fashion and how it is an outward expression your inward feelings. I definitely intend to talk to her again, as she provided valuable insight on how she came up with her topic and what really drove here. In fact she inspired me to find the true topic that I wanted to chase.
